Ecological Clerk of Works Projects
Wetland Surveys have been involved in the supervision as an ECoW on a number of projects for larger industrial developments and clients. The primary role is to advise on compliance with the environmental planning conditions, such as hydrology, noise, air quality, river and land pollution, protected species and landscape, with preparation of compliance reports for clients and stakeholders and advisory reports for site managers/staff.
To demonstrate our experience in this area a selection of recent projects that we have worked on is presented below.

Pre-construction surveys and construction phase monitoring of refurbishment works to a 110kV Overhead Line within SPA and in proximity to SAC. Tarbert to Tralee 110kV Overhead Transmission Line refurbishment. 2019
Bellacorick to Moy 110kV Overhead Line upgrade. Ecological Clerk of Works and Water Quality Monitoring during construction phase. 2019
Ecological Clerk of Works during the construction of a three turbine, 10MW onshore wind farm in County Kerry. Dromadda Beg Wind Farm. 2017-2018
Pre and post-construction habitat monitoring on Bellacorrick to Castlebar 110kV Refurbishment. Ecological Clerk of Works (EcOW) during construction phase. 2017
Survey along new overhead line development for possible Whooper Swan collision casualties. Weekly visits during late winter period. 2017
Pre-construction field surveys to highlight potential terrestrial ecological constraints on site in Cork. Reviewed proposed Construction Method Statements (Risk Assessment Management) and monitored vegetation clearance and other works at sensitive sites. 2016-2017
Bird monitoring report for the development of an overhead line from Shercock, Co. Cavan to Tullynamalra, Co. Monaghan. 2015
Pre-construction and post construction releves were conducted to assess impacts on wet heath. Ballyvouskil 110kV Underground Cable Constructio. 2015
Construction phase ecological monitoring (Ecological Clerk of Works) of wind farm County Antrim. 2014
Hen Harrier Monitoring Programme in compliance with Condition 8(1) of the consented small scale wind farm at Ballagh, west Co. Limerick. 2014