Ecological Impact Assessment Projects
Wetland Surveys have been involved in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a large number of development led projects in a range of different sectors by carrying out the Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) of these projects. As part of this work we have advised clients throughout the EIA process culminating in the preparation of the ecology (flora and fauna) chapter of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
To demonstrate our experience in this area a selection of recent projects that we have worked on is presented below.
Preparation of Ecological Impact Assessments and Appropriate Assessment reports for solar PV developments in the Republic of Ireland. 2015-2020
Baseline ecological surveys including targeted wetland surveys of proposed route corridor for Dublin Water Supply Project. 2016-2019
Preparation of an Ecological Assessment of peatland habitats at a proposed wind farm development within pNHA in South Kerry. 2018
Peer review of ecology work carried out on northern Ireland North South Interconnector planning application. 2016-2017
Targeted surveys for potential Annex I habitats within selection of potential wetland (turlough) sites. 2017
Develop a habitat management plan for wetland area within and adjoining a residential development in Waterford city. 2017
Pre-construction surveys for protected species and non-native alien species to ensure compliance with planning permission. 2017
Breeding bird survey of proposed wind farm site. Survey methods followed SNH (2014) guidelines. 2017
Breeding Hen Harrier surveys during pre-construction phase of wind farm project at four windfarm projects. 2017
Appropriate Assessment and Ecological Impact Assessments for proposed solar farm development. Glenoge Upper Solar Farm. 2016
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment Screening and Ecological Impact Statement reports for proposed solar farm development. Graigue Beg Lower Solar Farm. 2016
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment Screening and Ecological Impact Statement reports for proposed solar farm development. St Johns South Solar Farm. 2016
Undertook invasive species survey and prepared an invasive species management plan for a proposed wind turbine delivery route to Grousemount Wind Farm, Kilgarvan, County Kerry. 2016
Undertook survey of wetland habitats within Wicklow SAC to identify and evaluate Annex I habitats; Alkaline fen and Petrifying springs. 2016-2017
Terrestrial ecological assessment of proposed Waste Water Treatment Plant extension and new discharge pipeline. Baseline multidisciplinary surveys. 2016-2017
Waste Transfer & Recycling Station, Little Island, Cork: Ecological Assessment and Appropriate Assessment. 2016
Undertook winter bird surveys at a proposed solar farm site and its surroundings at Grahormick, Co. Wexford. 2016-2017
Prepared ecological impact statement and Appropriate Assessment Screening Report a Solar PV farm in County Clare. 2016-2017
Prepared the Ecology chapter for the EIS, and a Natura Impact Statement. Development located adjacent to the Rye Water SAC. 2016
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment Screening and Ecological Impact Statement reports for proposed solar farm. Templerainey East, Arklow Solar Farm. 2016
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and an Ecological Impact Statement for a warehouse development at an existing pharmaceutical facility. 2016
Wetland survey of five sites along within proposed pipeline corridor in Northern Ireland. Preparation of report to assess the conservation value of each site. 2016
Baseline ecological assessment Midlands and Dublin Water Supply Project, Irish Water. Multidisciplinary field surveys undertaken along the route corridor. Specialist wetland surveys undertaken at selected sites. 2016
Desktop review and multidisciplinary survey carried out in Tipperary to inform the report. Preparation of the Terrestrial Ecology Chapter for the Environmental Impact Statement. 2016
Undertook a desktop review and a multidisciplinary field survey in support of an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and the Ecology Chapter of the Environmental Impact Statement. 2016
Lead ecologist on the Centre Parcs Ireland forest resort project. Undertook baseline surveys and prepared both the Ecology chapter of EIS and the NIS. 2016
Prepared a Natura Impact Statement for the further development of an existing quarry at Bellewstown, Co. Meath. 2016
Carried out baseline ecological surveys, at Newmarket Dairy, of development site and proposed discharge pipeline route. 2016
Undertook wintering and breeding bird surveys of a proposed new build wind farm and its surroundings. Dungarvan Wind Farm. 2016
Desktop review and targeted Kerry Slug surveys carried over a six week period. Prepared survey and assessment report. 2015-2016
Prepared a bird monitoring report for the development of an overhead line from Shercock, Co. Cavan to Tullynamalra, Co. Monaghan. 2015
Preparation of an Ecological Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Screening Report for a proposal to re-purpose an existing pharmaceutical facility at Cruiserath, Co. Dublin. 2015
Review and update of EIA guidelines in Ireland, working to CAAS for EPA. 2014
Preparation of ecology chapter of EIS and AA Screening Report of proposed wind farm project in County Donegal. 2014
Preparation of ecology chapter of EIS and AA Screening Report of proposed wind farm project in County Meath. 2014
Preparation of Terrestrial Ecology Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Screening Report for proposed 220kV underground cable, County Kerry. 2014
Galway Outer Bypass: Assessment of EU Annex I wetland habitats within Lough Corrib SAC. 2014
Preparation of an AA and EcIA of the Kilpadogue to Knockanure 220kV underground cable route. 2014
Preparation of an Ecological Impact Assessment as part of a remedial Environmental Impact Statement (rEIS) for an operating sand and gravel quarry. 2014
Preparation of Ecological Impact Statements and Natura Impact Statements (NISs) for various wind energy projects throughout Ireland. 2008-2014
Project ecologist on planning stage of Laois Kilkenny electrical reinforcement project. Preparation of Ecology chapter of EIS and NIS. 2010-2014
North – South Interconnector: project ecologist on planning stage of 400 kV overhead line (Cavan – Monaghan Study Area). 2010-2014
Preparation of remedial EIS (Ecology Chapter) and remedial NIS preparation for quarries in Counties Meath and Kerry. 2013-2014
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment Screening and Ecology Chapter of EIS for Shopping Centre, County Cork. 2013-2014
Ecological Impact Assessment of two proposed wind energy projects, County Wexford. 2010-2011
Project ecologist on planning stage of 110 kV power line, County Cork. Preparation of Ecology chapter of EIS and NIS. 2010-2012
National Road Scheme – N86 Camp to Dingle - baseline ecological surveys, County Kerry. 2010
Ecological impact assessment of proposed wind farm projects in County Cork. 2010
Ecological Impact Assessment of proposed sand and gravel pit, County Offaly. 2010
Ecological Impact Assessments of two proposed wind energy projects, County Mayo. 2009
Ecological Impact Assessments of proposed wind farm site in County Cavan. 2009
Ecological Impact Assessment of burrow pits within wind farm developments in County Kerry and County Galway. 2004-2009
Ecological Impact Assessment of two wind farm sites, County Cork. 2007-2008
Ecological Impact Assessment of embankment maintenance work on Ballymacoda (cSAC), County Cork. 2007
Ecological Impact Assessment of Housing Development at Fenit County Kerry. 2007
Ecological impact Assessment of Casla water scheme, County Galway. 2006
Ecological Impact Assessment of sewage schemes, County Galway. 2006
Ecological Impact Assessment of embankment maintenance Work on Inchigeela River (cSAC), County Cork. 2006
Ecological Impact Assessment of various wind farm sites throughout Ireland. 2003-2006
Ecological Impact Assessment of quarry extension, County Kerry. 2005
Ecological Impact Assessment of quarry extension, County Clare. 2005
Ecological impact assessment of quarry extension, County Donegal. 2005
Ecological impact Assessment of quarry sites along Ennis By-Pass. 2005
Ecological Impact Assessment of Mixed Use Development, Baltimore, County Cork. 2005
Ecological Impact Assessment of quarry extension, County Clare. 2004
Ecological Impact Assessment of Residential Development adjacent to proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA), County Cork. 2004