Flora, Fauna and Bird surveys
The staff at Wetland Surveys have extensive experience working in the area of nature conservation and species surveys in Ireland. This includes experience working on behalf of Environmental Non-governmental Organisations (ENGOs), government departments, semi-state organizations, local environmental groups and private individuals.
To demonstrate our experience in this area a selection of recent projects that we have worked on is presented below.
County Monaghan Wetland Action Plan. Development of action plan to resource, protect and enhance County Monaghan’s wetland biodiversity and heritage. 2020-2021
Raised Bog Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs). Development of Site Specific Conservation Objectives (SSCOs) for Raised Bog NHAs in Ireland. 2019
Biodiversity Management Plan for the Danone Nutricia Facility, Macroom, County Cork. 2019
South-western region for the Coillte Bio Class project. Desktop reviews of sites managed for biodiversity and field surveys to determine biodiversity value and appropriate site management. 2017–2019
Survey of Riparian Habitats in the River Maigue Catchment 2019
Ecological Survey and Biodiversity Management Plans for Irish Water treatment plants. 2018
Ecological Management Plans for Irish Water wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants (supply), reservoirs, and pumping stations throughout the Republic of Ireland. 2017
Ecotope surveys of 21 raised bog NHAs to assess type and condition of raised bog habitats. Outcome of survey to inform national raised bog conservation strategy. 2018
Ecotope survey of high bog to assess type and condition raised bog habitats. Survey of cutover bog to determine presence of any Annex I habitats and to assess restoration potential. Outcome of survey to inform AA process. 2016-2017
Ecotope survey of high bog to assess type and condition raised bog habitats. Outcome of survey to inform AA process. 2017
Ecological Survey and Biodiversity Management Plans for Irish Water treatment plants. 2017.
Ecotope survey of high bog at Coolrain to assess type and condition raised bog habitats. Outcome of survey to inform AA process. 2016
Desktop review and multidisciplinary field surveys to develop a baseline ecological assessment of site at Westport. 2016
Monitoring environmental agricultural measures at ten farms included within Glas agri-environmental scheme. 2016-2017
Lead ecologist on the national raised bog conservation project ‘Scientific basis for raised bog conservation’ 2013-2016
Scott Cottage and Lands at Tahilla, Co Kerry: Biodiversity survey, evaluation, and management plan. 2014
Killorglin Biodiversity Action Plan 2014
Sneem Biodiversity Action Plan 2013
Peatland survey of Reen Bog, Kenmare, County Kerry. Prepared report on the ecological characteristics of the site and evaluated it's conservation importance. 2013
Marsh Fritillary Surveys South and East Ireland (led by Faith Wilson & Associates) 2012
Private dwelling and lands, Kenmare, County Kerry: Biodiversity survey, evaluation and management plan. 2011
Orchid Surveys of Semi-natural Habitats in Counties, Kerry, Cork and Limerick. 2009-2010
Survey of designated sites along Cashla to Ennis 110 kV powerline. 2011
County Kerry Invasive Species Survey: Pilot mapping study of the River Lee (Kerry) catchment, Tralee. 2011
Reenagross Woodland Park: Baseline ecological surveys and biodiversity management plan. 2010
Project ecologist on Freshwater Pearl-mussel and forestry EU Life+ restoration project application. 2009
National Red Grouse Habitat Survey 2008. Undertook base-line ecological surveys of 100 peatland sites throughout Ireland. 2008
National Fen Survey Manual 2008. Prepared a survey manual outlining the methodology to be used in a National Survey of Fen Habitats in Ireland. 2008
Upland Natural Heritage Area Appeal Reports, Counties Leitrim, Cavan, Cork and Sligo. 2008
Baseline Wetland Habitat Survey of Cutover Bog, Waterville, County Kerry. 2005
Special Areas of Conservation in Ireland’s – NGO Review. 2002
Irish Fen Survey. 2000