Factfile 3: Protection of Irish Wetlands
As with many other natural environments humanity has generally looked on wetlands as an economic resource to be used for short term economic gain, and has often not recognised the long term benefits (both economic and non-economic) of functioning wetlands. Three examples of such actions in Ireland include:
the national and local drainage schemes, or the embankment of rivers which can result in catastrophic floods during high rainfall periods when the drained land results in rapid surface water run-off;
past afforestation schemes on bogs, which often did not produce the timber crop envisaged at the start of the afforestation project;
overgrazing of blanket bog which continues to have a detrimental effect on the national peatland resource.
industrial extraction of peat bogs for fuel, sod and horticultural peat production which has had a significant detrimental effect on the national peatland resource.
Functional wetlands are among the world’s most productive environments. They are cradles of biological diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend for survival. They support high concentrations and diversity of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and especially invertebrates. Wetlands are also important storehouses of plant genetic material.
The multiple roles of wetland ecosystems and their value to humanity have been increasingly understood and documented in recent years, as in the Irish Government report on the Economic & Social Aspects of Biodiversity. Internationally, this has led to large expenditures to restore the lost or degraded hydrological and biological functions of wetlands. But it is not enough – the race is on to improve practices on a significant global scale as the world’s leaders try to cope with the accelerating water crisis and the effects of climate change. And this at a time when the world’s population is likely to increase by 70 million every year for the next 20 years.
Global freshwater consumption rose six fold between 1900 and 1995 – more than double the rate of population growth. One third of the world’s population today lives in countries already experiencing moderate to high water stress. By 2025, two out of every three people on Earth may well face life in water stressed conditions.
The ability of wetlands to adapt to changing conditions, and to accelerating rates of change, will be crucial to human communities and wildlife everywhere as the full impact of climate change on our environment is felt. Small wonder that there is a worldwide focus on wetlands and their services to us.
In addition, wetlands are important, and sometimes essential, for the health, welfare and safety of people who live in or near them. They are amongst the world’s most productive environments and provide a wide array of benefits (Ramsar website).
Many wetland habitats in Ireland are protected under both national (Wildlife Act (Government of Ireland 2000), Wildlife Act (NPWS 2017), Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill (DECC 2020)), Planning and Development Regulations (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2011 and international law (EU Habitats & Birds Directive (CEC 1992 & CEC 1972), Water Framework Directive (CEC 2000)).
In addition, Ireland is a signatory of the Ramsar Convention for the protection of wetlands. Despite this, it is clear that the current extent and condition of wetlands in Ireland are in serious decline as illustrated in Figure 3-2 (based on data from NPWS 2019).
However, of the twenty inland wetland habitats, 19 are in unfavourable conservation status while 13 are continuing to have a declining trend. The main threats facing wetlands are associated with changes in land use and associated drainage. This is linked to the traditional perception that wetlands were not productive areas which should be converted to alternative land uses so as to be of economic value. Additional threats facing wetlands include pollution, eutrophication, changes in water supply, climate change, and the spread of invasive species.
The NPWS National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2021 states “it is clear that the benefits of biodiversity far exceed the costs of the current levels of biodiversity protection” in Ireland, an indication that we still do not value the functions and services provided by wetlands to our well-being as a society.
You might also like to check out Leitrim County Council & Wetland Surveys video entitled “Wetlands in Letrim”.
In the video Patrick introduces us to some wetlands in Leitrim and explains their importance for our heritage, biodiversity, and the ecosystem services they provide, such as carbon storage and flood control.
Watch the youtube video at: https://youtu.be/59KXtp6VR7c
You can also learn more about wetlands in one of Wetland Surveys story maps